Whole30 Southwest Stuffed Avocados
Although I know firsthand that it requires a lot of extra effort on the part of the manager or supervisor, and that the feedback may not always be all that wonderful, I think I've always been someone who really enjoys regular performance reviews. For as long as I can remember, I've looked forward to report cards, parent-teacher conferences and both corporate/companywide and personal reviews on the job. It's nice to get a reality check or alternative perspective on what's going well and what can be improved upon. Far too often, I find for myself at least, that I can really beat myself up or minimize my successes and progress and that I catastrophize the mistakes I've made. Sometimes what seemed like a big contribution or a lot of my own effort wasn't all that important to my reviewer and I've found that I many times need to adjust priorities. Thankfully, I've been privileged to work for and be taught by some pretty outstanding people who