Pesach – Aubergine Parcels
I find that I am cooking nonstop over Pesach as most Kosher restaurants are shut. This recipe is refreshingly simple to prepare and has no complex cooking skills. Do use it for the rest of the year as it does not feature the normal Pesach ingredients and is perfect for a starter or light lunch any time. Serve with a salad or some spring greens if you are enjoying this dish as part of a main vegetarian meal. It can also be made parev by omitting the Parmesan cheese and spreading over some chopped olives, olive oil, salt and pepper combined with the tomato paste and basil – your own tapenade. This recipe can be made in stages and assembled later. It can also be completed and reheated just before the guests are due to arrive. Why not plate it up in advance giving you time to concentrate on your main course?