Melt: The Art of Macaroni and Cheese, A Cookbook Review
Some cheeses are best left as is, but Gouda is not necessarily one of them. Traditionally a cow's-milk-cheese from the Netherlands, it has a solid milky flavor with just a touch of grit and butterscotch. How can you improve upon a classic as fine as this? Well, the Dutch decided to push the envelope by creating a Gouda made entirely from sheep's milk. Aged for just one year, this version has a smooth texture with a hint of almond nuttiness. Vintage Grand Ewe, an exemplary sheep's-milk Gouda, takes on a richer, more elegant texture while still maintaining those signature caramel notes. Pairing the cheese with sweet golden raisins and the robust crunch of pine nuts produces a dish that is a dreamy, creamy fusion of flavor and texture.