Cornish Saffron Bread: Tangzhong Method
Easter sneaks up on me every year. Maybe it's because it sort of strolls around the calendar and I don't have a date to remember from year to year like December 25 or July 4. It's not that I don't see the Peeps and Cadbury Eggs popping up on shelves at the drugstore, I just think to myself, "Oh, that's ages away." Except for then it isn't. It's right here. When I do finally clue in that Easter is literally right around the corner, I feel compelled to make a baked good of some sort. Last year I made hot cross buns, and they were delightful. Honestly, I was going to make them again this year until I decided to sit down yesterday and search for "Easter Breads." This took me to, a good place to look for a basic recipe upon which to build. And then I saw a recipe for something I'd never even heard of before: Cornish Saffron Bread. Well, it looks amazing! Tell me more!