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(note that the prep time shown above includes 1 hour rise time for the dough) This batter bread is made from very soft yeast dough that is beaten but not kneaded. The bread is baked in two one pound coffee cans which give the bread an unique shape. It not only makes great bread, it is fun to make. If you prefer you can make one large loaf using one 2 pound coffee can instead of the two 1 pound cans. The lids that come with the coffee cans serve two purposes. First, they may be used to seal the cans for freezing the dough if you want to keep the dough for baking later. Second, the lids tell you when the dough is ready to bake,,,they pop off! Don't worry if the lids come off (from air pressure) before the dough reaches the top of the can. Just put the lid back on and wait for the dough to push the lid off.