Blueberry Cashew Cheese Cake
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One of my favourite things to do in my free time it to take on kitchen projects. This can range from re-filling spice jars, brewing some kombucha, plotting and planning to create the best gluten-free pie crust there ever was, or this little ditty here. Summer is a time of fun, sweet fun, but as Jen has been enlightening all of us, it also does not need to be a time for consuming poison, gross poison (dressed up as 'summer favourites'). Hence her breakdown yesterday of the Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake, or what I am now referring to as the "Toxic Hydrogenated Oil and High Fructose Corn Syrup Cake-Shaped Frozen Food Processing By-Product". Not for consuming my fair ladies, gents, moms and kiddies. A treat is not a treat if every ingredient in it lends itself to killing you softly. You with me here?