Thai Fried Rice

Good day!

Remember last week when I posted a recipe for Roasted Coconut Lime Chicken?  What I didn't mention at the time was that, that marinade is the best marinade in the history of all marinades.  We loved the flavour of the chicken so much that over dinner that night the hubby and I brainstormed a million ways to use it.  And first up was in a fried rice dish.  Yes.

On a side note, I'm so thankful that my husband loves to try all different kinds of recipes, and isn't afraid of any flavours!  I happen to know a few men who don't like food change...I would find that very hard.  I love to experiment with spices and play with recipes.  Not all of them turn out, but I've got good support either way...good thing because I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't bake and cook as I pleased!  I'd be cranky that's what I know to be true hahaha

So we threw together a basic fried rice, and enhanced it with some fabulous Thai flavours!