Peanut Butter Parfaits in Jars

Howdy!  How are you today?  Things here are pretty good!
Busy as always, but I'm finding myself distracted with a big trip I'm taking next week...
I'm going to the SNAP blogging conference in Thanksgiving Point, Utah.  My very first conference.
And I can't even tell you how nervous I am.
And the silliest thing...I'm mostly worried about what I'm going to wear.
Yep, I said it.  I'm worried about what I'm going to wear!

Which I guess is all wrapped up in the worries of whether anyone will like me, let alone talk to me.  Will anyone recognize my blog?  What will I say if I have the chance to meet Kate of Centsational Girl, or Heather of Whipperberry, or Shelley of House of Smiths...gah.  I get a sick feeling even just thinking about it!  Crazy, I know.  But this is all kind of out of my box, but it will be good for me and I just know that it's going to be a blast!

But I'm still nervous.  And ice cream calms my nerves.  Ice cream with peanut butter soothes my soul.
So I made some.  Well kind of.

Peanut Butter Parfaits in a Jar!