Zucchini Gazpacho
When I was a kid, my mom had a huge vegetable garden full of lettuce and tomatoes and pumpkins and green beans and peppers and other veggies. She is a magical gardener, and the item she always seemed to grow the most of was zucchini. Piles and bushels and mountains of zucchini. She made zucchini bread and zucchini pancakes and zucchini muffins, and my brother and I quickly learned that in the months of July and August it was wise to check anything we ate for stray zucchini. She is wily with the zucchini, my mama is. And so if there are any of you out there preparing for the annual summer zucchini storm, here's a cool, quick gazpacho that features not tomatoes but...say it with me....zucchini!