Caponata (sweet and sour aubergine (eggplant)) - Sicilia
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Categories: Vegetarian, Dairy-free, Healthy, Kids, Gluten free, Season: Summer There are many variations on caponata depending which region of Sicily the recipe originates. This one is from Menfi and is from the grandmother of Angelo , the head chef at Planeta’s estate in Menfi. This recipe is excellent as it is not in the least oily and is rather light with refined, perfectly balanced flavours. No oil is used in caramelising the onions, bringing out its natural sweetness without adding any heaviness to the dish. Other variations include using zucchini, peppers, potatoes, olives, artichokes, apples, anchovies, sardines, chocolate, basil, pine nuts instead of almonds, tomato paste instead of fresh tomatoes, honey instead of sugar and sultanas. It is thought that caponata’s origin is a marriage of the arab influence of sweet and sour and the French dish, ratatouille, introduced by the Bourbons. Caponata can be made in large batches and stored in jars sealed with olive oil in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.