Seasoned Glazed Pretzels
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Easy seasoned glazed pretzels |

Last week we spent the day with friends at one of our favorite beaches.  Of course we all brought snacks, because that's just what one does when at the beach, right?  One of my darling friends brought the yummiest pretzels ever...crispy, crunchy, buttery, with a hint of garlic...I could not stop eating them!  I'll just tell you now I that was hooked after the first bite.  I got the recipe from her very soon after we got home, and I knew I had to try them right away.  My kids and husband adore them too, and I've already had requests to put them in their school lunch--and school doesn't even start for another seven weeks!  These easy seasoned glazed pretzels are so delicious, I knew I needed to share them with you!