Dutch Oven Buffalo Stew and Biscuits - And a Pioneer Day Guest Post!
As some of you know, if you live in Utah you get July 24th off as a State Holiday to honor the day when Brigham Young sat up in a borrowed wagon and said "This is the right place. Drive on." That was 1847 and we celebrate the Days of 47 throughout this great state! One of my ancestors was with Brigham Young on that important trip and wrote about it in his journal. One of the things that I have learned by reading these accounts is that these pioneers spent much of their day just trying to figure out what to eat. All of them carried flour for biscuits and bread and they hunted and fished anytime they could to keep going. We also know they used dutch ovens along the way to cook their meals. This meal is in honor of these pioneers. It was also our pleasure here at 3 Guys Outside to have a guest post on the BSA Utah National Parks Blog about this recipe this week! See our post HERE! Starting with dutch ovens is a great science and an art. You should stay tuned for much more information about how do make incredible meals in the old black pot, but this post is not the place to learn all about it. More later on this subject. So here is the recipe: