Cookies & Cream Bars
Made with cream cheese, these squares are packed full of Oreo cookie pieces and mini chocolate chips for chewy cookies & cream bars.
cookies and cream oreo bars

Leia ruined some of my things yesterday while I was at work. She chewed up the corners of one new book and helped herself to the savory insides of another, shredding it into literary confetti. I tried to salvage it with a roll of scotch tape, but the pages (or rather the remnants of pages) were beyond hope

She also ate a box of mints, destroyed my favorite inky pen and spilled its indelible guts all over our one-and-only piece of carpet in the house, and, worse, got into my notebook where I had the first quarter of a handwritten (as in, no copies to be found on the computer, in my Google docs, or anywhere else in the universe) novel that I'd begun. By some miracle, even though I'd left my notebook open to the last page that I'd written, she'd only chewed out completely blank pages and all of my words were still intact, but I still had a heart attack initially.

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