Chicken Butternut Soup
Before I start on this easy recipe for chicken butternut soup, I'll just admit right here and now that I know that butternut squash can be intimidating. More than once I've regretfully push my cart past the pile of butternuts in the supermarket (okay, the Southern husband was pushing the cart, but the butternut abandonment was all mine. I own that.) because it just looked so dang hard to handle. And more on that later, because there are various ways butternut squash Can Be Conquered. But more importantly were all those days that I was missing out on this thick, hearty soup that is full of tender chicken and spinach and roasted carrots and lots and lots of butternut. It's one of the most good and good for you soups I know, and I'm here to tell you that you need to brake at the butternut just to be able to cook up this soup. Let's make it!