Blueberry Corn Muffin Crisp
Is there anything, anything, anything better than fresh blueberry and fresh corn season? Let me answer that: NO THERE IS NOT. Sweet local blueberries, tender local corn...two great tastes that taste great together, and sure, you can and should make blueberry corn muffins with all of this deliciousness. But you should also make this blueberry corn muffin crisp, which has warm and wonderful blueberries on the bottom and a sweet crumbly topping made with cornmeal and fresh corn on the top. And you know what else you should do? Serve it for dinner. That's right, pick out a lovely summer evening and serve your family dessert for dinner. Glorious blueberry and fresh corn dessert. Because it's summer, because there are fresh corn and blueberries, because it's good to keep 'em guessing. Let's make it!