Chocolate Bacon Caramel Cheesecake
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Chocolate Bacon Caramel Cheesecake, those of you that know us know that we like bacon, a lot. We saw a picture of a Bacon Cheesecake last week and have thought of nothing else. They didn’t have a recipe so we worked out one that we liked. Or let me say that everyone loved. Our crash test dummies Jessie and Marcos were swooning. There were only a few crumbs left on the plate this morning. Ken got those. We used a chocolate striped shortbread cookie for our crust; graham cracker is just too boring…adding in 1 cup of chocolate chips and a 12 oz. package of bacon. We then added another package of bacon and chocolate chips into our filling. We topped it off more bacon in our caramel sauce. There was more than 2 pounds of bacon in this cheesecake. We had all the major food groups covered here: bacon, chocolate, caramel and cheesecake. It just doesn’t get any better than this. The smoky bacon mixed with the semi-sweet chocolate added to the caramel and cheesecake ingredients was a dessert symphony. But, one last touch of flavor. We used our Green Mountain Wood Pellet Grill. I loaded the hopper with Texas Pecan wood pellets for the perfect sweet smoky finish on the cheesecake. It was awesome!