Chocolate Coconut Macaroons
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Ready to eat I always have spare egg whites in the freezer, and I always have beautiful organic desiccated coconut on hand … so coconut macaroons kept coming into mind (which usually consist of three ingredients: coconut, sugar and egg whites). But it needed to be “chocolaty” so I made the macaroons and added Dutched cocoa powder (it has a stronger chocolate flavour) and dark chocolate buds (I use Callebaut) into the mix and voila! If you don’t have real chocolate buds, then chop some dark chocolate into small pieces similar to the size of a bud. I also added sea salt flakes and vanilla bean paste for extra flavour, and I do believe they add that little “extra something”. It is important to allow the mix to sit for 20 minutes to firm up enough to scoop easily into the tablespoon measure for rolling. I also find having a small bowl to dip the spoon into very handy as the wet spoon allows the mix to come off easily in your hands. I also dip my fingers into the bowl periodically to keep them moist when I am rolling the mix, but I did also rinse my hands a couple of times during the process when they started to get a bit "sticky". These are a lovely little chocolate treat that are not only delicious, but also gluten free for those that need to consider that. They are particularly decadent eaten on the day they are made as the chocolate in the macaroons will still be a little liquid, but still gorgeous eaten over the next few days.