Easy Blueberry Chia Jam
When fresh blueberry season rolls around, the first thing I do is eat a whole lot of blueberries by the handful, to make up for the fact that I've gone a whole nine or ten months without it being fresh blueberry season.  And the second thing I do is start tossing blueberries into everything I can think of.  Snack cake.  Cobbler.  Crisps.  Don't even get me started on the wonder that is Blueberry Boy Bait.  And one of the most magical things you can do with blueberries is introduce them to chia seeds and make your own jam. No sterilizing of jars, no scary canning stuff - just sweet, thick, ready in a jiffy, easy blueberry chia seed jam.  You NEED this in your summer.  Let's make it!