Apple Cider Spice Donuts Nothing is better than reading the newspaper on a Saturday morning, while eating a warm homemade doughnut. Well, maybe when you dunk that donuts into a cup of hot coffee, that might qualify as better. Apple Cider Spice Donuts are an easy donuts recipe that is made with apple cider, apple pie spice and sprinkled with powdered sugar or a mixture of cinnamon-sugar. Homemade donuts are so delicious! Totally worth the effort. Homemade Donuts I don’t make homemade donuts very often, maybe twice a year or so, but when I do make make them, I always marvel at how easy they really are to make at home. The main reason why I don’t make donuts at home often is simple, we have two favorite bakeries that we frequent; Smurawa Bakery in Pulaski, Wisconsin and Schaefers IGA in Crandon, Wisconsin. Both places have some of the best bakery I’ve ever had….and I’ve eaten plenty!
Apple Cider Spice Donuts Nothing is better than reading the newspaper on a Saturday morning, while eating a warm homemade doughnut. Well, maybe when you dunk that donuts into a cup of hot coffee, that might qualify as better. Apple Cider Spice Donuts are an easy donuts recipe that is made with apple cider, apple pie