Guava Cheese Recipe aka Guava Paste Vegan [+Video]
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Guava Cheese is the name for a popular sweet made with fresh Guavas. It's also known as Guava Paste. Use only organic/untreated Guavas for this because the fruits are not peeled! Guava pulp is slow cooked over a long period of time, until the paste thickens. After that it is left to cool in a buttered mold. It's easier to work with a non stick pot! So what I like to do is I fist cook the mass in a higher steel pot then after 60+ minutes cooking I transfer it into a a smaller non stick wok like pan. The non stick will help you to get the correct consistency quickly which is due to the shape of the pan too. Also, at some point you are just fed up looking at the same pot 😀 I also use brown sugar because the flavors suit the guavas better, however you can use regular sugar too but if you can try to use only brown sugar.