Recipe Sneak Peek | Almond Butter Truffles
From the Book: These little beauties are dance-worthy. You???ll make them, try them, and dance around your kitchen because you???re so happy you made them! These truffles are so good, even Mr. Not-So- Paleo will eat them {and he???s not a big fan of desserts and sweets}. The fact that he requests these says it all in my book! They might look hard to make because of the length of the directions, but trust me???they are super easy. I explain everything in fine detail so it will be wicked easy for you. I used almond butter in these, but if you???ve got another favorite nut butter, feel free to use it. Make sure your nut butter is just nuts only and doesn???t have any additive ingredients. You also want to make sure the dark chocolate has no soy, is gluten free, and, if possible, has no dairy.