Gluten Free Dairy Free Lasagna

Today I bring you a new family favorite recipe...Gluten Free Dairy Free Lasagna.

We don't post recipes around here very infrequently in fact that my own sister seemed genuinely shocked when I told her I was photographing lasagna the other night for a blog post!

I know that 99% of you come around for the DIY projects and decorating ideas. The other 1% are my Mom, MIL and Aunties. But fellow gluten free friends have been asking about our gluten free dairy free lasagna for awhile now and blogging about it certainly the easiest way to share.

So if you aren't here for my random recipes, please feel free to skip this post.

However if you are gluten free, or dairy freeĀ you will not want to miss this lasagna recipe!

It's SO good!

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