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"The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugarplums danced in their heads." Just as this delightful Christmas poem written by Clement Clarke Moore most likely evokes different visions of sugarplums for each person, I offer you three versions of Sugarplums to satisfy everyone’s sweet tooth, Fruit and Nut, Chocolate, and Marzipan coated. The Fruit and Nut Sugarplums are reminiscent of a rich fruitcake filled with fruits, nuts, honey, spices and a splash of brandy. The Chocolate Sugarplums combine dates, almonds and chocolate and honey, just a hint of cinnamon, and are absolutely scrumptious. Or better yet, cover them with sweet marzipan to make sparkly little plum “fruits” for an extra special magical holiday treat. (Remove the clove pieces before eating the marzipan Sugarplums.) Sugarplums are the timeless Christmas confection that everyone loves. Rolled in balls and coated with sparkling sugar, Sugarplums make wonderful delicacies to serve or give as gifts.