Mexican Fish, the Rodrigo-style fish
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Mexican Fish

My family loves Mexican food. I wish I can find a decent Mexican restaurant in our neighborhoods but there isn't much to choose from. So that puts me into thinking that I should cook our family favorite Mexican food at home to satisfy our cravings. Unfortunately it is very difficult to find the Mexican groceries here in Argentina. There is a pescaderia (fish market) that I go often to buy fresh seafood in San Isidro near I live. I found the fish below that looked similar to Tilapia. The fishmonger told me the name in Spanish, but the foreign name of one fish didn't stay that long in a tiny Korean woman's brain. LOL! I tried to memorize it while I was finishing shopping in the market, though. All I remember is that it started with "P". When you reach over 40 yrs of age, memorizing something in foreign language doesn't work well. :( image-C

This particular Mexican fish recipe is called Rodrigo-style fish. I saw this recipe in a cookbook called Pati's Mexican Table. She uses Tilapia for this recipe and also suggested to use any mild white fish fillet such as sea bass, grouper, red snapper or rock fish. The skin of the fish is crisp and the flesh is soft. It is refreshingly delicious with the sauce made with green onion, jalopeƱo, lime and cilantro. So easy and simple to put together, this will make a great weeknight meal with some corn tortilla. Why not have yourself and your family a fish taco night with this recipe?