Carnival Squash with Apples and Thyme
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Carnival Squash with Apples and Thyme ~yesterday being Labor Day here in the States we thought that we would eat of God's bounty all garden vegetables and fruits that were just harvested. This Iranian or Celebration squash was the main part of dinner last night. The corn and watermelon added even more hand sown goodies that were lovingly nurtured all summer. Carnival squash is a sweet squash, so it is best mixed with sour or salty additions to bring out all the natural flavors. Now you all know what a carb and sugar loving gal I am, but this squash just seemed to hit the right chord with me. This recipe would also go well with acorn and butternut squash also, but I hope you are able to find this at a farmers market or local store. Mind you, this squash got as big as a seedless watermelon so one will go a long way. Don't you just want to give it a try?