Lemon Curd
Although I've tried other Lemon Curd recipes, this is my favorite. When done correctly, this Lemon Curd is a rich, silky-smooth and intensely-flavored custard, with a thick jam-like consistency. With such concentrated lemon flavor, it's easy to say "Now that's lemon!" Here are three different sizes of the recipe; use the one that fits your needs, depending on what you plan to do with the curd. The recipes for larger batches make it easy if you want to pack the Lemon Curd into jelly jars, like I do, and either freeze or give as gifts. SMALL RECIPE YIELD: 550g (1# 3 oz) MEDIUM RECIPE YIELD: 1100g (2# 6 oz) LARGE RECIPE YIELD: 2190g (4# 13 oz)