Easy Homemade Jerky From Ground Beef
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Beef jerky is an easy portable way to get needed protein in either as a quick snack, or even a meal replacement in a pinch. I love to bring this camping and when we do errands or otherwise are out and about. Less chewy than beef jerky from a roast, this beef jerky from ground beef is crunchy if you roll it out thinly. When rolled out a little thicker, it's more substantial and less crunchy. In any case, this is a delicious protein-rich treat, and you save lots by making it on your own - both health-wise since you can choose beef from a source you trust and only add seasonings, but also money-wise because purchasing jerky, even the yucky supermarket kind filled with additives, is expensive! Try it this week, and see how fast this recipe is and how much you enjoy the ease of having easy protein!