MELT® Organic Lemon Curd
I have few food weaknesses, but Lemon Curd is one of them. If someone asked me what the best summer of my life tastes like, I would say it tastes like this recipe of Melt® Organic Lemon Curd. Think of it as sunshine on a spoon. Lemon Curd is a sublimely rich and intensely lemony concoction not unlike the filling in a really good lemon meringue pie, but better. The English savor Lemon Curd eaten on scones and crumpets. I am quite happy eating Lemon Curd unadorned on a spoon. You can also combine Lemon Curd with custard or cream cheese frosting to fill a cake. While this recipe is certainly NOT sugar-free, we all deserve a break and this might be my favorite.