Jamaican Rum French Toast Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe
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I baked this in two different sized and I must confess that I love both. The larger 8x8 one was made in a porcelain ASA square dish and the smaller ones were about 3x3 ASA squares. I had left overs and refused to throw so the ramekins worked. Furthermore, I spiked the larger quantity for the adults and left the small one for a toddler who has a bit to go before drinking age. Funny enough though, growing up we consumed alcohol in desserts and drinks but that is just the culture in places like the Caribbean, France and Italy. You only live once. I also like to use different types of bread so that adds to the textural contrast. Use at least one French baguette and another kind of baguette. If you can only find French baguettes, use two.