Caramel Pecan Monkey Bread
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Sticky, gooey, pull-apart Monkey Bread is simply the best. Start with little balls of sweetened yeast dough, then a dip first in melted butter then cinnamon and sugar. Add a little caramel and sprinkled pecans and this bread goes one step beyond delicious. The origin and name of Monkey Bread is not agreed upon. Theories include the fact that you can pull it apart with your hands; it takes a bit of “monkeying around” to prepare the bread; the bread resembles the monkey puzzle tree. One thing we do know is Sometime over the past 35 years, monkey bread morphed to include a caramel-and-nuts coating. It showed up in American bakeries in the 1950s and 1960s, and enjoyed a brief resurgence in popularity during the 1980s, when Nancy Reagan had monkey bread served in the White House during Christmas.