Bite-Size Almond Cakes (Amandinas)
This is such an easy recipe to make in a food processor. It's a simple recipe, really, wtih only five ingredients in the Basic Recipe. The original version of this recipe was the Variation #1 below, with the raspberries: Raspberry Amandinas. I've given two other variarions here: one for Chocolate Amandinas, and one for Coconute Pineapple Amandinas. There are other reasons to like this recipes besides how easy they are to make: the little cakes are very moist and tasty, and by happenstance, gluten-free, since the main ingredient is almond paste with no flour. Also, they just invite creativity when it comes to decorating them, with limitless possibilities. YIELD: ABOUT 500g BATTER 30-34 BITE-SIZE CAKES (15g EACH)