Wholemeal Raspberry and Blueberry Muffins
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You can also use a mixture of blueberries and raspberries or swap one berry for a couple of figs, or stick with one berry type if you prefer. The muffins are great for kids' lunchboxes or an office breakfast. For a dairy free version, substitute buttermilk with almond milk and coconut yoghurt as per option below. For a low sugar version, feel free to use natvia. I used a ¼ cup capacity ice cream scoop to pop the batter into my cases. Makes 9-10 muffins. They'll keep uncovered for a couple of days. A note on sugar: in my original recipe I used ¾ cup brown sugar which obviously give you a more caramelised flavour and crust. However, since cutting down on processed sugar consumption I've been using coconut sugar instead. And a good touch less.