Burgundy Bulgur with Blueberries and Orange Blossom Water
Of all of the grains in my pantry, intensely nutty bulgur is my go-to choice during the week. The fiber-rich grain is pleasing in a humble way yet speedy and unfussy. One morning, I tossed in all the color I could find in my kitchen to paint my bulgur a deep reddish-blue hue. This recipe gives you two splashy breakfast variations: Unsweetened cranberry juice creates an intense burst of tanginess and a stunning dark fuchsia in your bowl in which the blueberries stand out like jewels. Pomegranate juice lets you start your day on a naturally sweeter note, with a deep burgundy hue—one is as delightful as the other. As an added benefit, this breakfast is an antioxidant powerhouse. If you have orange blossom water in your cupboard, here its fleeting floral and bittersweet scent is a boon.