Shrimp Fried Farro
This super-simple recipe for shrimp fried farro is the result of one of my hard and fast kitchen rules, which is this: whenever you make something that can be repurposed into another recipe, MAKE EXTRA. Extra buttermilk rosemary grilled chicken turns into chicken soup the next day. Extra grilled steak turns into perfect steak Caesar salad later in the week. And extra nutty, chewy, gorgeous farro that you made for farro tomato salad turns into lickety-split shrimp fried farro. It's got the same things you love about shrimp fried rice, except the egg is poached instead of scrambled, the shrimp is whole instead of chopped, and the rice is, well, farro. Because while shrimp fried rice is a beautiful thing, it's also fun to shake things up now and then, don't you think? Let's make it!